Why is Mathematics a nightmare?

3 min readJul 11, 2021

What have you been ignoring?

I know you must have thought at least once as to how easier your life would be if there were no Maths.

It’s just a feeling that almost all of us have had. You tried to get better marks, to listen to the teacher carefully, or tried solving problems several times.

But somehow always failed at it.

And after multiple failures, you were still stuck.

Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Today, let me share with you, one of my personal tips as to how I turned from a C grade student to an A grade one.

That’s probably the only thing that I can flex but anyway.

I’m sure you have heard this thing multiple times from the professor.

She has probably repeated the same thing so much that it’s in your subconscious now and you tend to ignore it without even realizing it.

Yes, it is possible.

But if no one has told you this, then let me tell you that acing mathematics only requires practice.

“Ugghhh Mishika we know this but it’s so boring.” I couldn’t agree with you more. Even I wish there was some shortcut.

Sadly, the answer to the question in the title is — Because we don't do enough practice.

We are the generation of smart work. Who has the time in the world to keep practicing the most difficult question at least thrice?

Let’s see the step-by-step method, shall we?

This is something my teacher, the angel told me to do.

Mark stars on the question based on the difficulty level of the problem.

You have three categories of questions now:

  1. One-star
  2. Two-star
  3. Three-star

Now decide for yourself how you wanna deal with each category of questions.

Revise them based on their start levels.

If you do this, no power can stop you from getting better marks than last time. Believe it or not, but it works.

How I made it simple for me is by the following method.

  1. One-star questions — Simply revise them from solutions orally before the test.
  2. Two-star questions — Practice solving the question (with pen and paper) once before the test. If can’t solve it, see the solution and practice doing it again.
  3. Three-star questions — Do the same thing in point 2. Just add one more written practice to memorize the method well.

Try it yourself if you doubt.

Try it for just one test and write an email to me at sethimishika19@gmail.com if this doesn’t work, we’ll deal with it together!

You won’t get a chance to do this, I can guarantee. So you can write to me about anything else.

Share this with someone or everyone who you think needs it.





I am a 19-year old writer, who loves to share crazy and valuable stories