Best Non-Breathing Exercise for Asthma Patients

2 min readMay 28, 2021

If you Google the title, there are very low chances of you finding the exercise I’m about to mention. I have been trying and testing out these exercises for years now and I have always ended up making my chest heavy for at least the next two days after an hour session.

After researching, I realized that they say swimming is the best exercise for Asthma patients, but apparently there was way too much Chlorine in the pool when I tried it, so I ended up having a really bad time with it.

With the second wave to coronavirus in India, so keeping all the guidelines in mind, I decided to try my hands on cycling. It made me wheeze for the first couple of times but after that, man, it hit me really hard that I finally found an exercise that is the best for me. I don’t feel like an Asthma patient anymore who can’t keep up the speed of peers while exercising or who has laid in bed after the session, for days because of a heavy chest.

Photo by Ting Tse Wang on Unsplash

I would highly recommend it if you could never exercise but always wanted to stay fit. Cycling is a low-impact exercise, very inexpensive, and I assure you it will be your best investment. You won’t regret buying a bicycle for yourself. Try it out and let your fam know about this because no one is talking about the problem we suffer from and a number of patients are still finding the best solution for themselves. Maybe this one can help them.

However, just make sure you drink tons of water before going for a ride and try to avoid it for at least half an hour after the workout. It’s because your body is warm and you don’t want to bring it back to normal temperature instantly, give it time to get normal naturally. One thing to keep in mind is that the water you consume should be of room temperature if you don't wanna trigger your lungs.

I go for a 90 minutes session every day, my body gets tired but my breaths are always in place, which is very rare for us.

One of my friends who also suffers from the same condition says “If we want to punish ourselves someday, we can go for an hour run.” I couldn’t agree with him more and I’m sure nor can you.

Don’t forget to ask your doctor if he has any recommendations for you if you wanna begin riding.




I am a 19-year old writer, who loves to share crazy and valuable stories